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13th National Congress of Renal Diseases Dialysis and Transplnatation Nursing"


Dear Colleagues,

We wish to invite you to the 13th National Congress of Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing will take place concurrently with the National Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress organized by the Turkish Society of Nephrology, between 13-16 September 2003, in the city of Antalya, the jewel of the Mediterranean.

Our aim, as hosts of this 13th congress organized by our Association, is to prepare a program aiming to maintain the highest scientific standards in all fields of Nephrology Nursing.

In the first day of our congress program "6th European Multidisciplinary Hemodialysis Acces Course" and the "Research Methods on Nephrology Nursing Course", which we believe will guide us in our scientific work, will take place. We will have the opportunity to listen the Turkish Nurse educators who are the experts of their field and in the "6th European Multidisciplinary Hemodialysis Acces Course" we will find the opportunity to listen to Turkish scientists and the authorities from abroad who will join our program as lecturers.

I also hope that our colleagues will enjoy the social activities organized in the historical city of Antalya where natural beauty and ancient civilizations live side by side.

I wish to thank the chairman of the local organization committee, Ms. Sükran Ciloğlu Inal, head nurse of the Hemodialysis Unit of the Akdeniz University Faculty Hospital, the secretaries of the congress, the members of the local organization and scientific committees as well as the TSN board of directors, and inform our colleagues and members of nephrology nursing teams that we shall be very happy to host them in Antalya.

Birsen Yürügen
President, NDTHD