IFATSEA 43rd General Assembly
2 - 6 Eylül 2013
As per the CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS of the International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations (IFATSEA) Assembly meetings take place annually in the Autumn at such time and place as an Assembly or the IFATSEA Executive Board shall have decided.
The 43rd IFATSEA General Assembly is being organized by the Turkish affiliates TATSETPA (Turkiye Hava Trafik Emniyeti Elektronik Teknik Personeli Dernegi) at Istanbul, Turkiye from 02 - 06 September 2013.
IFATSEA Annual Assembly is the most appropriate platform for direct communication between Member Associations. Members exchange ideas and experience within the Federation on an inter-regional basis. The basic purpose is to review the activities of the Federation and to determine the policies which should guide the work.
This Assembly will give all the stake holders in the aviation sector, the industry people, manufacturers and the suppliers a platform to meet the key technical persons, decision makers and the other colleagues from the aviation sector across the globe to meet and exchange information and share their knowledge.
Erciyes Isyerleri Sitesi 2. Cad. No:19 Macunkoy/Ankara/Turkey
Phone: +90 (312) 397 56 66
Fax: +90 (312) 397 58 88
Website: www.organizer.com.tr
Email: [email protected]
DHMI Esenboga Havalimani Elektronik Mudurlugu Yeni Teknik Blok Esenboga / ANKARA
Phone: (90) 312 398 1001
Fax: (90) 312 398 1001
Website: www.tatsetpa.org.tr
Email: [email protected]
Web Adresi: ifatsea2013.org