11. Ulusal Acil Tıp Kongresi ENG
16 - 19 Nisan 2015
Honorable Heroes of the Health-Care Community,
Special people who perceive each person valuable, make any sacrifices without any second thoughts in the name of human dignity to contribute to their lives at any moment, perceive and treat them like a next of kin, even sharing life more with them rather than their families, providing the best support so that they could hold on to life vis-à-vis chaos, devastation, corruption in our societies surrounded with a polluted environment...
We are very excited and proud to announce that we are organizing another perfect event in order to meet you again, to exchange experiences and elevate quality in life. As it has been in the past, we are walking towards the 11th National Emergency Medicine Congress by deploying efforts in a determined way. Our potential that is enhanced by many patients in Turkey and the progress we have registered in the field of emergency medicine specialty in a fast-track fashion that is always in the agenda pushed us to go beyond our limits. Therefore, organization of two international congresses such as the 2nd Intercontinental Emergency Medicine and the 2nd International Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Congresses this year empowered us further and brought us to the level that other specialties could not achieve in many years.
This event is held with the support of more than 20 national associations so as to develop a common language for humanity. Since congresses also constitute the most important venue to meet, we spend the majority of the year by preparing in the best manner. In the past, the community of emergency medicine has made sacrifices. We could not improve the personnel rights as the way we wished. Whereas some family members of some patients that we were trying to save exerted violence to us, we tried to reach them with peace. We tried to explain the authorities the conditions that we have been experiencing, at any platforms. Until our efforts bear a result, we are determined to continue our endeavors. We will never give up. High level representatives will be with us at the congress. During the year, we tried to enhance quality of our services by organizing courses, national and international symposium, in order to reach all corners of Turkey. On the other hand, we will continue to hold joint events abroad. Each and every member of the emergency medicine will be needed in this great journey started with a giant step. I do strongly believe that we will proceed by reinforcing solidarity and unity through taking responsibilities in projects.
International events organized by our association have been remarkable and well-accepted by the international community. For this reason, we are planning to organize the 3rd Intercontinental Emergency Medicine Congress in 2016 in Spain. All emergency medicine members should be able to speak the same language. These projects that we initiated to achieve power for global emergency medicine shall be sustained decisively. This year’s congress will be held at Rixos Sungate Hotel/Antalya which is equal to 7 stars and along with a scientific feast, the congress will have a diverse social aspect. Once again, solidarity and unity will definitely mark this congress. International emergency medicine awards will be granted through an elite ceremony for the first time in the world. We are powerful once we get together. You all are kindly invited to witness the turning point of the emergency medicine community and to take your honorable place in the history of emergency medicine to achieve the goals for a better future.

Prof. Dr. Başar Cander
President of Emergency Medicine Physicians Association

Emergency Medicine Physicians Association
Yukarı Ayrancı Güleryüz Sk. No:26/19
T : +90 312 4261214 F : +90 312 4261244
[email protected] - www.atuder.org.tr

İcadiye Caddesi No: 3 Kuzguncuk
34674 İstanbul / TÜRKİYE
T : +90 216 310 11 00 F : +90 216 310 06 00
[email protected] - www.genx.com.tr
Web Adresi: iemc2015.org