ICNES 2018
15 - 18 Kasım 2018
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the organizing committee, I am pleased to announce the 4th International Conference on Natural and Engineering Sciences (ICNES) to be held from 09-12 October 2018 in Bodrum, the Republic of Turkey. The Conference will provide a unique opportunity for natural and engineering researchers and professionals to come together, to explore the challenges that face nature and/with engineering, and to demonstrate the value of the profession for the public good in a changing environment in all levels for better human life. The Conference aims to bring together academic scientists, researchers, research scholars and professionals, in order to exchange and share their experiences and research results related to Natural and Engineering aspects.
The conference will host presenters from different countries to discuss ongoing issues of concern and to explore new horizons in the treatment and prevention of environment from the natural and engineering sciences view point. This Conference is expected to serve a hot debating space for researchers around the world, to address some crucial natural and engineering issues, coming up with solutions.
All accepted conference papers will be published in a special thematic issue of the International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences (IJNES).
The cultural and social events will be organized during the conference, so our participants would enjoy the wonderful culture of Bodrum in the Mugla Province of Turkey.
So, we invite you to contribute with papers and presentations, as well to participate in ICNES.
We look forward to meeting you in Bodrum.
Prof.Dr. Bashkim IDRIZI
ICNES 2018 Chair of Congress
University Mother Teresa
Contact Us
Janice Clancy
Web Adresi: icnes.gen.tr