9th Mediterranean Congress of Urology
1 - 4 Eylül 2005
Dear Colleagues, Dear Mediterraneans,
Greetings from Turkey, with the inspiration of a new year, myself and our honorary president of MUA Franco Di Silverio are proud to invite you at the 9th International Mediterranean Congress of Urology which will be held on September 1-4, 2005 in Antalya, Turkey.
In this 9th Congress of MUA we shall have the opportunity to reach the latest information in the fields of technology and science and share our experience with our colleagues. New and developing surgical techniques and drugs will be discussed and re-evaluated.
At the same occasion colleagues from all Mediterranean countries will have the opportunity to come together with their special way of living and culture, communicate and share the opinions on scientific and other issues. We sincerely believe that this sort of scientific and cultural relations will establish and keep the peace and prosperity in our region.
At this meeting plenary sessions as well as oral and poster will be arranged. Lectures by experts on special fields and state of the art lectures will give a different atmosphere to the congress. Any special disease or issues endemic to a Mediterranean country will be encouraged and priority will be given to these speakers.
I know that we are a bit late about the announcement of the congress calendar. The reason of this delay is the 20th EAU Congress to take place in March 2005 in Istanbul which I am the President. But I am sure that with our Mediterranean behavior of acceleration we will overcome this problem.
Antalya, The Congress venue is a very beautiful and historical (Roman and Greek) city in the southwest of Turkey. She is a real Mediterranean city by all means and as The Turkish citizens address it is “The Turkish Riviera”. With natural beauties and abundance of surrounding history it is a real pleasure and privilege to be in this Mediterranean city. I hope that with “a lot of reasons” this 9th Congress of MUA will be an unforgettable event.
Prof. Sedat Tellaloğlu,
Congress President,
SymCon Congress Ltd.
PK 297 Ziverbey –Istanbul / Turkey
Tel: +90 216 347 35 35
Fax: +90 216 347 78 50
e-mail : [email protected]
Web Adresi: muacongress2005.org