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This conference aims to bring together the educational scientists, administers, councilors, education experts, teachers, graduate students and civil society organization and representatives to share and to discuss theoretical and practical knowledge in the scientific environment. The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to; the following major topics as they relate to the education: Curriculum and Instruction Educational Technology Educational Administration Guiding and Counseling Educational Planning Measurement and Evaluation in Education Learning Psychology Developmental Psychology Education and Culture Instructional Design Learning and Teaching Special Education Distance Education Life Long Learning Mathematic Education Social Sciences Teaching Science Education Language Learning and Teaching Human Resources in Education Teacher Training Pre-school Education Primary School Education Secondary School Education Vocational Education College and Higher Education Learner Needs in 21 Century The Role of Education in the Globalization World Human Rights Education Democracy Education Innovation and Changing in Education New Learning Environments Environmental Education Professional Development Creativity Nursery Education Healthy Education Sport and Physical Education Multi-cultural Education Mobile Learning Technology-Based Learning Music Education Art Education History Education

  • Web Adresi: globalcenter.info/ic-ed